With the recent changes in our membership, we are looking for players who are boosted in Scrolls and Gems!

So if you are looking for a friendly and helpful fellowship and you are boosted in one or both of those - send Lanthum a message!

And for our current members, be on the look out for people to recruit!

AWC, for the week of 4/24 - 4/30, we are working on:

alyann's Golden Abyss

The AWC (Ancient Wonder Club) Rotation page has been updated with the the list of members and the rotation order.  It also lists who we are currently working on and their time frame, as well as who is up next and their time frame.

Ok, so I've been able to add some pages and content so far.  Some of the pages are meant as info only, and have comments disabled.  Others, like the AWC rotation page, allow comments.  What do you guys think so far?  Is there anything missing that needs to be added - anything that either we, or others interested in our fellowship, would need/want to know?

Let me know

Welcome to the fellowship's information page!

You can find everything you need to know about our fellowship here, including our mission, a list of requirements, and a list showing the distribution of our boosted good.  We can also share information about the game, to help each other out in developing our cities!

Stayed tuned as more material gets added or the coming days and weeks!