This week, 7/31 - 8/6, we will be working on matticus1181's Martial Monastery.
The Martial Monastery is the elven version of the human's Sanctuary - both of which use the same ruin. Both Ancient Wonders boost your troops' health and gives you additional culture! A great building to have for any fight! Plus, since it gives you bonus culture based on your required culture, at higher levels the buildings give more culture bonus than almost any other building!
So let's help matticus1181 out - it looks like their AW is close to being ready to raise a level!
If you are a member of the Ancient Wonder Club, remember to donate at least 5 KPs to his AW this week. And even if you're not a member of the AWC, donate some anyway!!
AWC Rotation for 7/24 - 7/30
A new week, and a new member to the Ancient Wonder Club! This week let's all help out Karthor and his recent AW the Tome of Secrets.
If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to his AW this week. And please as always, if you can afford more - help them out and donate more! Even if you are not an AWC member, helping out your fellowship mate helps you out in the long run - as it gives rewards and will benefit you in stronger members and a stronger FS!
The Tome of Secrets gives Knowledge Point (KP) tomes every 24 hours, and rewards the owner with tools for every province you scout. The additional KPs are a huge boost - especially at higher levels were you get multiple KPs every 24 hours. And they added tools per province really helps also!
Let's work together, as a strong fellowship, and help Karthor build his Tome of Secrets!
If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to his AW this week. And please as always, if you can afford more - help them out and donate more! Even if you are not an AWC member, helping out your fellowship mate helps you out in the long run - as it gives rewards and will benefit you in stronger members and a stronger FS!
The Tome of Secrets gives Knowledge Point (KP) tomes every 24 hours, and rewards the owner with tools for every province you scout. The additional KPs are a huge boost - especially at higher levels were you get multiple KPs every 24 hours. And they added tools per province really helps also!
Let's work together, as a strong fellowship, and help Karthor build his Tome of Secrets!
AWC Rotation for 7/17 - 7/23
This week we will be working on Lanthum's Golden Abyss. If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to his AW this week. And please, if you can afford more - please do!
The Golden Abyss provides an excellent sources of both coins and population! It is a great building each one at relatively low levels. And at the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!
The Golden Abyss's production is stated in percentages: coin production is a percentage based on the maximum capacity of you Main Hall; and the population is based off your current Working Population. You can see both by hovering over your HUD (Heads Up Display - the top bar). Hover over your population, and you see the breakdown including Working Population. Hover over your coins, and you will see a breakdown with your maximum.
Let's come together to help Lanthum build his Golden Abyss Ancient Wonder!
The Golden Abyss provides an excellent sources of both coins and population! It is a great building each one at relatively low levels. And at the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!
The Golden Abyss's production is stated in percentages: coin production is a percentage based on the maximum capacity of you Main Hall; and the population is based off your current Working Population. You can see both by hovering over your HUD (Heads Up Display - the top bar). Hover over your population, and you see the breakdown including Working Population. Hover over your coins, and you will see a breakdown with your maximum.
Let's come together to help Lanthum build his Golden Abyss Ancient Wonder!
AWC Rotation for 7/10 - 7/16
This week we will be working on sheeplady4558's Golden Abyss. If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to her AW this week. And please, if you can afford more - please do!
The Golden Abyss gives you extra coins and population. Both are percentages: coins are a percentage based on the maximum capacity of you Main Hall; and the population is based off your current Working Population. You can see both by hovering over your HUD (Heads Up Display - the top bar). Hover over your population, and you see the breakdown including Working Population. Hover over your coins, and you will see a breakdown with your maximum.
The Golden Abyss provides an excellent sources of both coins and population! And it becomes one of the best buildings in the game for either at relatively low levels. At the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!
The Golden Abyss gives you extra coins and population. Both are percentages: coins are a percentage based on the maximum capacity of you Main Hall; and the population is based off your current Working Population. You can see both by hovering over your HUD (Heads Up Display - the top bar). Hover over your population, and you see the breakdown including Working Population. Hover over your coins, and you will see a breakdown with your maximum.
The Golden Abyss provides an excellent sources of both coins and population! And it becomes one of the best buildings in the game for either at relatively low levels. At the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!
AWC Member Rotation List
As of 07/11/2017, our current AWC member rotation list is as follows:
matticus1181 - Martial Monastery
sheeplady4558 - Golden Abyss
Lanthum - Golden Abyss
sheeplady4558 - Golden Abyss
Lanthum - Golden Abyss
Karthor - Tome of Secrets
If you would like to join, or would like to change your AW, please send either Lanthum or sheeplady4558 an in-game message.
The new "Pay some amount" mechanic
This event has a new mechanic that I've not seen before in an event. I have taken some screenshots to help make it easier to understand. This first pic shows what the window looks like when you click on the quest to view it.
The red arrow points to a plus sign, that I am assuming will either be green (if you can afford it right now) or possibly gray (if you can't afford it). If you click on the green plus sign, you will get the next window.
Once you get to this screen, you have two choices on how to pay. You can click the "Maximum" button on the right side which will automatically add whatever is required. Or you could click the green plus sign to increase the amount to whatever you want (say, if you didn't want to pay it all right now for some reason). Either way, once you are done, then click on the "Pay" button which should be green once you decide how much you are going to spend.
Just a new mechanic, and easy to use once you figure it out!
The red arrow points to a plus sign, that I am assuming will either be green (if you can afford it right now) or possibly gray (if you can't afford it). If you click on the green plus sign, you will get the next window.
Once you get to this screen, you have two choices on how to pay. You can click the "Maximum" button on the right side which will automatically add whatever is required. Or you could click the green plus sign to increase the amount to whatever you want (say, if you didn't want to pay it all right now for some reason). Either way, once you are done, then click on the "Pay" button which should be green once you decide how much you are going to spend.
Just a new mechanic, and easy to use once you figure it out!
March of the Herds links
Here are some good links to check out. You can see what rewards were are working for. Plus the link at Crazy Wizard Info updates often showing what day each reward is coming. That way, you can save up for the things you really want, instead of wasting your beets on buildings that might not help you.
Crazy Wizard Info
Some basic info on how the event works
Gamers Gems of Knowledge
I hope this helps!
Crazy Wizard Info
Some basic info on how the event works
Gamers Gems of Knowledge
I hope this helps!
New Event - March of the Herds
So the new event just started! I'm not sure about the rewards this time - but I'm a sucker for collecting and upgrading, so why not!!?? I will be putting out info to help everyone out. I'll start with a list of the quests that are required:
1 Produce Beverages 1 time
2 Spend 1 Knowledge Point
3 Gain 500 Coins
4 Gain 100 Supplies
5 Gain 1 Relic
6 Solve 1 Encounter or gain 1 Relic
7 Gain 50 Marble
8 Gain 50 Steel
9 Gain 50 Planks
10 Pay a good amount of Marble
11 Pay a good amount of Steel
12 Pay a good amount of Planks
13 Upgrade 5 buildings to level 4 or higher
14 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 2 times
15 Pay a good amount of Coins
16 Gain a good amount of Coins
17 Solve 12 Encounters or Gain 12 Relics
18 Produce Beverages 50 times
19 Gain 14 Relics
20 Pay a good amount of Crystal
21 Pay a good amount of Scrolls
22 Pay a good amount of Silk
23 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 2 times
24 Train 100 Units
25 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 3h] 5 times
26 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 9h] 4 times
27 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 1d] 3 times
28 Spend 7 Knowledge Points
29 Research 1 technology or upgrade 1 building to level 12 or higher
30 Pay a good amount of Elixir
31 Pay a good amount of Magic Dust
32 Pay a good amount of Gems
33 Produce Simple Tools 30 times
34 Scout 1 Province or upgrade 1 Building to level 12 or higher
35 Pay a good amount of Supplies
36 Produce Bread 40 times and Gain Supplies
37 Produce Advanced Tools 20 times and Gain Supplies
38 Produce Basket of Groceries 10 times and Gain Supplies
39 Spend 14 Knowledge Points
40 Pay a good amount of Crystal
41 Pay a good amount of Scrolls
42 Pay a good amount of Silk
43 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
44 Train 200 Units
45 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 3h] 10 times
46 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 9h] 8 times
47 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 1d] 6 times
48 Spend 15 Knowledge Points
49 Research 1 technology or upgrade 1 building to level 12 or higher
50 Pay a good amount of Marble
51 Pay a good amount of Steel
52 Pay a good amount of Planks
53 Upgrade 6 buildings to level 5 or higher
54 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
55 Pay a good amount of Coins
56 Gain a good amount of Coins
57 Solve 18 Encounters or gain 18 Relics
58 Produce Beverages 100 times
59 Gain 20 Relics
60 Pay a good amount of Elixir
61 Pay a good amount of Magic Dust
62 Pay a good amount of Gems
63 Produce Simple Tools 60 times
64 Scout 2 Provinces or upgrade 2 Buildings to level 12 or higher
65 Pay a good amount of Supplies
66 Produce Bread 60 times and Gain Supplies
67 Produce Advanced Tools 30 times and Gain Supplies
68 Produce Basket of Groceries 15 times and Gain Supplies
69 Spend 22 Knowledge Points
70 Pay a good amount of Marble
71 Pay a good amount of Steel
72 Pay a good amount of Planks
73 Upgrade 7 buildings to level 6 or higher
74 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
75 Pay a good amount of Coins
76 Gain a good amount of Coins
77 Solve 24 Encounters or gain 24 Relics
78 Produce Beverages 200 times
79 Gain 26 Relics
80 Pay a good amount of Crystal
81 Pay a good amount of Scrolls
82 Pay a good amount of Silk
83 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
84 Train 300 Units
85 Produce[Bonus Tier 1: 3h] 15 times
86 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 9h] 12 times
87 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 1d] 9 times
88 Spend 23 Knowledge Points
89 Research 1 technology or upgrade 1 building to level 12 or higher
90 Pay a good amount of Elixir
91 Pay a good amount of Magic Dust
92 Pay a good amount of Gems
93 Produce Simple Tools 90 times
94 Scout 2 Provinces or upgrade 2 Buildings to level 12 or higher
95 Pay a good amount of Supplies
96 Produce Bread 80 times and Gain Supplies
97 Produce Advanced Tools 40 times and Gain Supplies
98 Produce Basket of Groceries 20 times and Gain Supplies
99 Spend 30 Knowledge Points
1 Produce Beverages 1 time
2 Spend 1 Knowledge Point
3 Gain 500 Coins
4 Gain 100 Supplies
5 Gain 1 Relic
6 Solve 1 Encounter or gain 1 Relic
7 Gain 50 Marble
8 Gain 50 Steel
9 Gain 50 Planks
10 Pay a good amount of Marble
11 Pay a good amount of Steel
12 Pay a good amount of Planks
13 Upgrade 5 buildings to level 4 or higher
14 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 2 times
15 Pay a good amount of Coins
16 Gain a good amount of Coins
17 Solve 12 Encounters or Gain 12 Relics
18 Produce Beverages 50 times
19 Gain 14 Relics
20 Pay a good amount of Crystal
21 Pay a good amount of Scrolls
22 Pay a good amount of Silk
23 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 2 times
24 Train 100 Units
25 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 3h] 5 times
26 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 9h] 4 times
27 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 1d] 3 times
28 Spend 7 Knowledge Points
29 Research 1 technology or upgrade 1 building to level 12 or higher
30 Pay a good amount of Elixir
31 Pay a good amount of Magic Dust
32 Pay a good amount of Gems
33 Produce Simple Tools 30 times
34 Scout 1 Province or upgrade 1 Building to level 12 or higher
35 Pay a good amount of Supplies
36 Produce Bread 40 times and Gain Supplies
37 Produce Advanced Tools 20 times and Gain Supplies
38 Produce Basket of Groceries 10 times and Gain Supplies
39 Spend 14 Knowledge Points
40 Pay a good amount of Crystal
41 Pay a good amount of Scrolls
42 Pay a good amount of Silk
43 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
44 Train 200 Units
45 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 3h] 10 times
46 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 9h] 8 times
47 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 1d] 6 times
48 Spend 15 Knowledge Points
49 Research 1 technology or upgrade 1 building to level 12 or higher
50 Pay a good amount of Marble
51 Pay a good amount of Steel
52 Pay a good amount of Planks
53 Upgrade 6 buildings to level 5 or higher
54 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
55 Pay a good amount of Coins
56 Gain a good amount of Coins
57 Solve 18 Encounters or gain 18 Relics
58 Produce Beverages 100 times
59 Gain 20 Relics
60 Pay a good amount of Elixir
61 Pay a good amount of Magic Dust
62 Pay a good amount of Gems
63 Produce Simple Tools 60 times
64 Scout 2 Provinces or upgrade 2 Buildings to level 12 or higher
65 Pay a good amount of Supplies
66 Produce Bread 60 times and Gain Supplies
67 Produce Advanced Tools 30 times and Gain Supplies
68 Produce Basket of Groceries 15 times and Gain Supplies
69 Spend 22 Knowledge Points
70 Pay a good amount of Marble
71 Pay a good amount of Steel
72 Pay a good amount of Planks
73 Upgrade 7 buildings to level 6 or higher
74 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
75 Pay a good amount of Coins
76 Gain a good amount of Coins
77 Solve 24 Encounters or gain 24 Relics
78 Produce Beverages 200 times
79 Gain 26 Relics
80 Pay a good amount of Crystal
81 Pay a good amount of Scrolls
82 Pay a good amount of Silk
83 Gain Power of Provision Enchantment 3 times
84 Train 300 Units
85 Produce[Bonus Tier 1: 3h] 15 times
86 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 9h] 12 times
87 Produce [Bonus Tier 1: 1d] 9 times
88 Spend 23 Knowledge Points
89 Research 1 technology or upgrade 1 building to level 12 or higher
90 Pay a good amount of Elixir
91 Pay a good amount of Magic Dust
92 Pay a good amount of Gems
93 Produce Simple Tools 90 times
94 Scout 2 Provinces or upgrade 2 Buildings to level 12 or higher
95 Pay a good amount of Supplies
96 Produce Bread 80 times and Gain Supplies
97 Produce Advanced Tools 40 times and Gain Supplies
98 Produce Basket of Groceries 20 times and Gain Supplies
99 Spend 30 Knowledge Points
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