How To Show Fellowship Only Trades

A quick tip for everyone.  There is a checkbox in the upper right corner of the trade window.  By default, it is unchecked.  If you click it, and put a check mark in it, you will only see trades that have been posted by players in your fellowship.

It's a great way to check to see if your fellow members have posted something before posting your own trades.  This way, we can help each other much faster!

Here's a picture of the window with the checkbox circled:

City Planner

If you're like me, you want to optimize and use every possible inch of your city.  A well-built city helps you grow quickly and allows you to better help your fellowship mates out.  When I first started, I would spend hours visiting other cities followed by moving things around, trying to find the best place to put something.  Then I found this site!

Elvenar City Planner

This is an incredible site which allows you to easily build and test different layout for your city!  You can move buildings around and delete them much easier than you can in the game.  It has all correct sizes and shapes of the buildings based on which race you are.  And it even has all of the culture buildings, including the event buildings.

It also lets you check to see if you have enough culture or population based on the buildings you have chosen!

In all, it is a great site!!  Check it out and see if it helps you build a more efficient city.

AWC Rotation for 8/28 - 9/3

It's matticus1181's week for us to work on their Martial Monastery.

The Martial Monastery (and the human's equivalent - The Sanctuary) gives all your troops extra health while in battle, and extra culture based on your total required culture.  Together, the building is very nice!  The extra health as the AW grows makes you more effective in battle, and adding in the culture makes the building effective for your whole city.  If you do battles at all, it is a must to have!

It doesn't matter if you're human or elf, you will receive the appropriate rune if you get a reward from one of the chests from donating.

Let's come together and help matticus1181 update their Monastery to another level!

How To Donate To Ancient Wonders

It was recently asked by one of our newer players how to make a donation to an Ancient Wonder.  Here are some (crude) pictures showing what the Ancient Wonder (AW) help icon looks like, and how to make a donation of Knowledge Points (KPs) to someone's AW.

The first picture shows what it looks like when you visit someone else's city.  If you see these floating icons, they have AWs built and the AWs can be donated to.

This second picture shows the menu that will pop-up if you click on another person's AW.  In this example, I clicked on a fellowship member's Martial Monastery.  It shows the two green buttons you would use to make a donation, and it shows the list of people already donating, and the rewards they are getting.

This last picture shows the rewards detailed for this specific AW.  It points out how the reward rune might be for a different named AW, based on the race of the giver.

I hope this helps some!

AWC Rotation for 8/21 - 8/27

This week, from 8/21 through 8/27, the AWC will be helping out Karthor and his AW the Tome of Secrets.

If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to his AW this week.  And if you can afford more, please help him out and donate more!  Even if you are not an AWC member, helping out your fellowship mate helps you out in the long run - as it gives rewards and will benefit you in stronger members and a stronger FS!

The Tome of Secrets gives Knowledge Point (KP) tomes every 24 hours, and rewards the owner with tools for every province they scout.  The additional KPs are a huge boost - especially at higher levels were you get multiple KPs every 24 hours.  And the added tools per province really helps also!

Let's work together, as a strong fellowship, and help Karthor build his Tome of Secrets!

New Fellowship Adventurers Coming Soon!

InnoGames is adding something new for fellowships.  Right now it's being tested on the Beta server, and will probably go live within a few days.

At first glance, to me, it looks very similar to the tournaments we have now.  But instead, it looks like the rewards will be Instants.  And if you open the bigger chests, the possibility to receive some of the reward buildings from previous events.  But from the overview I'll link below - it will take quite a lot of coordination.

Which means we will need everyone in the fellowship to start participating in the fellowship only stuff, like tournaments and the new "Fellowship Adventurers".  I am not sure how often these will run, and whether it will be a permanent addition or only something they run for awhile.  I will let you know as I find out.

Check out the video in the link below:
New Fellowship Adventurers Coming Soon

Why cross-tier trades are uneven

There's one aspect of trading that I never took part in, and that's cross-tier trades. A cross-tier trade is when someone is willing to give up a good from one tier, wanting a good from another tier in return. This is most often done where someone posts a trade giving up a higher tier good, like tier-3 Magical Goods (elixir/magic dust/gems), in exchange for a lower tier good such as tier-1 Basic Goods (marble/steel/planks).

Everyone has their own opinion on it, and those opinions are usually very strong! But personally, I have always thought that it was unfair.  Especially when someone is giving up a higher tier good for a lower tier good. And, I think it's extremely bad for a fellowship! I know – at first, this sounds backwards, maybe even downright crazy, but let me explain why.

First, we must understand how the game suggests trades. When making a trade, the game groups the trades into four categories: 0-star through 3-star trades. 2-star trades are considered “even”, basically a 1-1 ratio. 0-star trades are just bad, and I won't even mention them here. 1-star trades are a little off balance and happen most often when you come across someone in the trade window that you haven't found on the map yet. Then the game imposes a 50% penalty. So if the person is really asking for 100 units, the game will tack on another 50 units for a total cost of 150. 3-star trades are good for the “buyer”, and it happens when you are getting better than a 1-1 ratio. Usually, someone needs something bad and they are willing to give up more to get it.

Now, when placing a trade, the game will suggest a 1x4x16 ratio between the tiers to achieve a 2-star, or balanced, trade. You are allowed to waiver from that ratio some, but get too far away from it and the game will reject your trade offer. So that means for every 1 tier-3 good being offered it would be “worth” 4 tier-2 goods, and 16 tier-1 goods.

So, some examples:
(Tier-1 Basic Goods offers)
You offer 100 steel and the game will suggest you ask for 25 crystals/scrolls/silk
You offer 100 steel and the game will suggest you ask for 6 elixir/magic dust/gems
(Tier-2 Crafted Goods offers)
You offer 100 silk and the game will suggest you ask for 400 marble/steel/planks
You offer 100 silk and the game will suggest you ask for 25 elixir/magic dust/gems
(Tier-3 Magical Goods offers)
You offer 100 gems and the game will suggest you ask for 400 crystals/scrolls/silk
You offer 100 gems and the game will suggest you ask for 1600 marble/steel/planks

So you can see that if you are offering a good, it will require more lower tier goods to fulfill the offer, and less higher tier goods. Why does this matter? Because of the difference between what each tier factory produces. The lower tier factories yield a lower amount of goods per production run. While the actual amount depends on which race you are (Elf or Human), and on your current boost rate based on the number of relics you have – overall the lower the tier factory, the lower the yield per run.

While the actual production numbers will be personal, let's use some numbers from the wiki. In chapter 5, you could have max level 15 marble and elixir factories. Their base productions per day would be 173 for marble, and 571 for elixir. That is already a big difference in their production amounts. But that's just base amounts. Let me use my factories on my Elf city as a real world example (all puns intended):

Factory     Factory level     Boost amount      9-hour Production yield
Marble      14         433%             496
Crystal      9         402%             477
Elixir       5         472%             584

That's a noticeable difference between tier-1 to tier-3 production. But especially when you consider I could upgrade the elixir factory another 10 levels to level 15! Even when you take into consideration that tier-3 goods cost more coin and supplies to run, tier-3 can easily outproduce tier-1 when spending that same amount of time, coins, and supplies!

Right now, on my server, there is a trade posted where someone is giving up 300 gems and wants 4000 marble in return. This, by the way, is considered a 3-star or really good trade by the game. So using my example city above, it would take me 8 marble factories all running 9-hour productions to produce 3986 marble. Better hope I already have some marble saved up or I would need a 9th factory to fulfill the offer. Assuming the numbers for gem factories are somewhere close to my elixir factories, it would only take that person 1 gems factory to produce the 300 gems they are giving up. And they would have a surplus amount of leftover gems for themselves!

This is why, unless it was dire circumstances, I never take cross-tier trades. They aren't fair and equitable trades. Now I know people might still need them, and some people like them. But you usually see the same people posting the same cross-tier trades over and over. And that's just a drain on the “economy”. Those people usually cut down or eliminated their tier-1 factories to save space. But it is very inefficient and forces others to carry their deficiencies

That's why all it takes is one fellowship member running their production like this and it will drain the fellowship of resources.  Especially if not everyone in the fellowship is participating in trades.  But that is a topic for another post!

The Masquerade Pt 1 help

Sorry I didn't get this out sooner.

Here is a link to a page with great information about this small mini-event.  And from the sounds of "Part 1" in the name, I am guessing there will be more to come.  InnoGames seems to like putting out some small events in the middle of some big ones.  So far, the event has seemed very manageable - but I'm not sure how it would be for the lower levels.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in game!  And good luck!

Masquerade Help

AWC Rotation for 8/14 - 8/20

This week we will be working on Lanthum's Golden Abyss.  If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to his AW this week.  And if you can afford more - please do!

The Golden Abyss 
provides an excellent sources of both coins and population!  It is a great building even at relatively low levels.  And at the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!

The Golden Abyss's production is stated in percentages: coin production is a percentage based on the maximum capacity of you Main Hall; and the population is based off your current Working Population.  You can see both by hovering over your HUD (Heads Up Display - the top bar).  Hover over your population, and you see the breakdown including Working Population.  Hover over your coins, and you will see a breakdown with the you maximum you can have.

Let's come together to help Lanthum build his Golden Abyss Ancient Wonder!

AWC Rotation for 8/7 - 8/13

This week we will be working on sheeplady4558's Golden Abyss.  If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to her AW this week.  And if you can afford more - please do!

The Golden Abyss 
provides an excellent sources of both coins and population!  It is a great building even at relatively low levels.  And at the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!

The Golden Abyss's production is stated in percentages: coin production is a percentage based on the maximum capacity of you Main Hall; and the population is based off your current Working Population.  You can see both by hovering over your HUD (Heads Up Display - the top bar).  Hover over your population, and you see the breakdown including Working Population.  Hover over your coins, and you will see a breakdown with your maximum.

Let's come together to help sheeplady4558 build her Golden Abyss Ancient Wonder!