Tips For Fellowship Adventures

With a new round of Fellowship Adventures (FAs) starting soon, I wanted to post some tips to help our fellowship get ready for them! While the prizes might not be the best, FAs still offer a little something for everyone: fun, prizes, goals, and a little chaos!

As the FA approaches:
  • Make room for several level 1 workshops and non-boosted “manufactories”. If you are going for the shorter run-time badges, you will need a massive amount of workshops! You will need to produce 50 beverages (5-minute each), or 35 simple tools (15-minute each), and even 20 bread (1-hour each) just to get badges.
  • Don't forget to make the 3-hour goods production badge – OFTEN! We need 3x as many 3-hour goods badges (Luxurous Flacon) as we do the 1-day goods badge (Diamond Necklace) for the path we are taking!  And in the past, it has been one of the badges we have had the most trouble with.
  • Stick with the badges that fit your play style. If you only log on once a day, then produce the longest run badges. But if you can log on often, then help out with the shorter run-times. Produce what fits. If we all work together, we can cover what's needed!
  • Remember to check the Google Doc often to see what everyone already has, or is working on, so you know what to produce. Just picking something and making it without checking the list won't help the fellowship at all.
  • Remember, this event can only be done with everyone working together, cooperating with each other. It cannot be finished if we are only a group of individuals working individually.
  • Communicate! Try to stay away from chat, and instead use the messaging system in the game. That way, it's time stamped and sticks around. And won't get lost in the scroll that can happen if everyone is talking on chat.

I hope everyone is ready for some fun!  And I'm looking forward to everyone coming together so we can complete the Adventure!

AWC Rotation for 1/29 - 2/4

This week, from 1/29/2018 through 2/4/2018, we will be helping out Oberyn Martell, working on their Golden Abyss.

The Golden Abyss provides an excellent sources of both coins and population!  It is a great building even at relatively low levels.  And at the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!

The Golden Abyss's production is stated in percentages: coin production is a percentage based on the maximum capacity of you Main Hall; and the population is based off your current Working Population.  You can see both by hovering over your HUD (Heads Up Display - the top bar).  Hover over your population, and you see the breakdown including Working Population.  Hover over your coins, and you will see a breakdown with your maximum.

Let's come together to help Oberyn Martell build their Golden Abyss Ancient Wonder!

AWC Rotation for 1/22 - 1/28

For the week of 1/22 through 1/28, the Ancient Wonder Club (AWC) will be working on Lanthum's Ancient Wonder the Needles of the Tempest.

The Needles of the Tempest Ancient Wonder boosts the power of all your Light Ranged units while in battle.  It also speeds up your Barracks training speed.

If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to his AW this week.  And if you can afford more, please help him out and donate more!  Even if you are not an AWC member, helping out your fellowship mate helps you out in the long run - as it gives rewards and will benefit you in stronger members and a stronger FS!

Help Lanthum build his Ancient Wonder up!

Robert Redbeard parts 1 & 2

Here is a link to some good info on the current event, as well as part 2 that will follow soon after this part is done.

This specific link is to the list of quests that need to be completed for each part.  But the site also has the prize info, etc.  Check it out!

Robert Redbeard Event

AWC Rotation for 1/15 - 1/21

For the week of 1/15/2018 through 1/21/2018, the Ancient Wonder Club will be working on maepl75's Tome of Secrets.

If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to their AW this week.  And if you can afford more, please help out and donate more!  Even if you are not an AWC member, helping out your fellowship mate helps you out in the long run - as it gives rewards and will benefit you in stronger members and a stronger FS!

The Tome of Secrets gives Knowledge Point (KP) tomes every 24 hours, and rewards the owner with tools for every province they scout.  The additional KPs are a huge boost - especially at higher levels were you get multiple KPs every 24 hours.  And the added tools per province really helps also!

Let's help maepl75 build his Tome of Secrets!

AWC Rotation for 18 - 1/14

A day late, but from 01/08/2018 through 01/14/2018, we will be working on sheeplady4558's Tome of Secrets.  If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to her AW this week.  And it would be great if you would donate a little more!

Let's come together to help sheeplady4558 build her Tome of Secrets Ancient Wonder!

AWC Rotation for 1/1 - 1/7

For the first week of 2018 we will be working on Debstein's Golden Abyss.  If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to her AW this week.  And it would be great if you would donate a little more!

The Golden Abyss provides an excellent sources of both coins and population!  It is a great building even at relatively low levels.  And at the mid to higher levels, it produces more than any other building out yet!

Let's come together to help Debstein improve her Golden Abyss Ancient Wonder!