AWC Rotation for 3/12 - 3/18

From 3/12/2018 through 3/18/2018, the Ancient Wonder Club will be working on maepl75's Tome of Secrets.

If you are an AWC member, please donate at least 5 KP's to their AW this week.  And if you can afford more, please help out and donate more!  Even if you are not an AWC member, helping out your fellowship mate helps you out in the long run - as it gives rewards and will benefit you in stronger members and a stronger FS!

The Tome of Secrets gives Knowledge Point (KP) tomes every 24 hours, and rewards the owner with tools for every province they scout.  The additional KPs are a huge boost - especially at higher levels were you get multiple KPs every 24 hours.  And the added tools per province really helps also!

Let's help maepl75 build their Tome of Secrets!

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