We Are Recruiting

Are looking for a fellowship that is helpful, friendly, and will help you grow you city faster?  Then the Fiery Talons Fellowship is for you!

We are looking for active players who play at least several times a week, who want to be part of a team atmosphere, and are willing to help their fellowship mates out!  Take a look over our requirements.  If you are looking for a home and can meet those simple needs - then the Fiery Talons is for you!

We welcome players of all levels - those who just started, as well as those that have been playing this great game for years!  Your score doesn't matter - your commitment and desire to help the fellowship does!

If our fellowship sounds like what you've been looking for, then send Lanthum an in-game message, and let me know you read this post.  I'll check for your app or send you an invite right away!

Looking forward to meeting new members!

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